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Getting Started with Autokit Worker

This is a quick start guide for using the leviathan framework with the autokit worker.

As a prerequisite

  1. Make sure you have built your autokit using the following guide
  2. Go through the steps listed on the Quickstart Page

Provision your autokit into a leviathan-worker fleet

To use the autokit with the leviathan framework, your autokit must be running a leviathan-worker container. We recommed provisioning the autokit host to a balena fleet:

  1. If you don't already have access to a fleet, create one
  2. Navigate to the leviathan-worker repository. Clone it, and from that repository use balena push to push a new release to your fleet
  3. Provision your autokit to this fleet. Depending on the device-type of your autokit host, the process may differ. Ensure that you provision the device using the image configured to use ethernet only. We also recommend using a "developement" image at first.
  4. When the device is successfully provisioned on balenaCloud, make sure to enable the public URL for your device.
  5. Add the appropriate environment variables to the device. You may have to adjust these depending on the autokit setup and the device under test. The main ones, relevant to the leviathan-worker are:
Variable Name Description Required
TESTBOT_DUT_TYPE This must be set to the correct flashing procedure for your DUT. Details can be seen here: https://github.com/balena-io-hardware/autokit-interface-sw/tree/master/lib/flashing. For example, a raspberry pi 4 would be generic-sd-boot , and a rockpi 4b with internal emmc would be generic-flasher. If these generic mechanisms don't cover the use case for your device, a custom flashing procedure must be added. True
WORKER_TYPE Set to the type of worker you intend to use with Leviathan. In this case, it's an autokit. Hence, set to autokit. True

Any other relevent autokit variables must be set, if the default values aren't appropriate. Remember to check the readmes inside the relevant implementation folder for additional config vars where needed - for example if selecting digitalRelay: usbRelay , check: https://github.com/balena-io-hardware/autokit-interface-sw/tree/master/lib/features/digitalRelay/implementations/usb-relay#configuration

Variable Name Description Default Required
WIFI_IF The name of the primary WiFi interface of the autokit host. wlan0 No
WIRED_IF The name of the USB-Ethernet interface of the autokit host. This can be found by accessing the autokit host over SSH. eth0 No
DEV_SERIAL The name of the USB-serial interface of the autokit. /dev/ttyUSB0 No
SD_MUX The name of the sd mux of the autokit - reference: https://github.com/balena-io-hardware/autokit-interface-sw/tree/master/lib/features/sd-mux#implementations. If there is no SD mux, due to this being a usb-boot device for example, set dummySdMux linuxAut No
SERIAL The name of the serial cable of the autokit - reference: https://github.com/balena-io-hardware/autokit-interface-sw/tree/master/lib/features/serial#implementations. dummySerial No
POWER The name of the power relay implementaion of the autokit - reference: https://github.com/balena-io-hardware/autokit-interface-sw/tree/master/lib/features/power#implementations. autokitRelay No
DIGITAL_RELAY The name of the digital relay implementaions autokit - this is for use when a boot switch, jumper, or other element must be toggled during flashing, for example to put the DUT into "flash" or "recovery" mode - reference: https://github.com/balena-io-hardware/autokit-interface-sw/tree/master/lib/features/digitalRelay#implementations. dummyDigitalRelay No
KEYBOARD This is used when a virtual keyboard is attached to the autokit - reference: https://github.com/balena-io-hardware/autokit-interface-sw/tree/master/lib/features/keyboard#implementations. dummyKeyboard No
  1. When that the worker container on your autokit host has started, the logs in the dashboard should read the message worker setup completed. If the container is not starting, the most likely cause could be either the hardware not plugged in correctly, or the needed env vars weren't set up correctly.
  2. Lastly, add a device tag for your autokit in balenaCloud. The tag will be for the key named "DUT" with the value being the slug of the device under test. For example, the following as a balenaCloud device tag.
DUT: raspberrypi3

Future work will simplify this process to avoid manual configuration of environment variables where possible.

Start your first test run

For your first test run, we will be running the e2e test suite. This is a basic testing suite to test your worker configuration and if the setup is correct. Each Levaithan test run needs the following to start testing that the user has to provide:

  1. The test suite you want to run: e2e test suite (already provided)
  2. A balenaOS image used to flash, provision and test the DUT. Put it in your leviathan/workspace folder and gzip it - if you are using a device type that already exists on balena cloud, you can make the test suite automatically download one.
  3. A test configuration using the config.js file: Let's create one.

Build your config.js file

The config.js file is the master configuration file for your test run. Leviathan runs and configures your device under test (DUT) according to the settings configured under config.js file. To know more about each property, refer to the Config.js reference.

Create your own config.js file

  • Navigate to the workspace directory in leviathan.
  • Create a config.js file in the workspace directory and paste the contents below.
module.exports = {
    deviceType: "raspberrypi3", // replace this with your device type slug. A contract must exist for this in the leviathan/core/contracts submodule.
    suite: `${__dirname}/../suites/e2e`,
    config: {
        networkWired: false,
        networkWireless: true,
        downloadVersion: 'latest',
        balenaApiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY, // this must be the api key that matches the "organization" property. 
        balenaApiUrl: 'balena-cloud.com',
        organization: process.env.BALENACLOUD_ORG,
    debug: {
        unstable: ["Kill the device under test"],
    image: `${__dirname}/path/to/image`, // can also set image: false to auto download - only if the image is aailable through balena cloud 
    workers: ['<Public device URL of your autokit>'], // or local ip address of the autokit (recommended)

Ensure that you fill all fields in the config.js file before proceeding. Refer to the Config.js reference for more information

You can either modify the config.js file or provide values using environment variables. To provide values of environment variables easily, you can create a .env file in the root of the leviathan directory. Use the format below as boilerplate.


Refer to the Environment Variables Reference for more values you can specify.

Start the run

To start the test run, navigate to the root of the Leviathan directory and run the following command:

make test

This will trigger a build of client and core services using docker-compose and begin the test. The logs by various componenet will start streaming on the terminal. Wait for the test scenario to finish and check the device logs on the dashboard in the meantime.

A successful run of the e2e test suite without any errors makes sure that your autokit worker is set up correctly and can be used for further tests.


Refer to FAQ's for common issues mentioned below and debug your test setup

  1. Config issues
  2. Flashing issues
  3. Manually interacting with the DUT

Let's run some "real" tests

We will start with a test run of the balenaOS unmanaged testing suite. To get the tests, clone the meta-balena repository. The OS tests are located in the tests/suites/ directory.

  • Either copy the OS test suite directory from meta-balena to the suites directory
  • or point the suite property in your config.js file to the relative path of the OS test suite like mentioned below.
module.exports = {
     deviceType: "raspberrypi3",
    suite: `${__dirname}/../suites/os`, // this path is relative to the workspace directory
    config: {
        networkWired: false,
        networkWireless: true,
        downloadVersion: 'latest',
        balenaApiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,
        balenaApiUrl: 'balena-cloud.com',
        organization: process.env.BALENACLOUD_ORG,
    image: `${__dirname}/path/to/image`,
    workers: {
        balenaApplication: 'your-fleet-slug',
        apiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY

This time you can provide your own OS image to test. You can download an unmanaged genericx86-64-ext balenaOS image from balena.io/os and place it in the workspace directory. Change the value of the image property to the path of the image you downloaded. This will be the OS image used by the OS tests in Leviathan.

Start the OS test

Run make test in the root of the project and watch the logs.

The logs will start streaming on the terminal for the test run. At the end of the run, reports and logs for the test run will be stored in workspace/reports directory.

That's the end of the quick start guide, you successfully setup your autokit worker and ran your first test suite.

Where do you go from here?

  1. Start by writing your first test.
  2. To know more about config.js and its properties, refer to Config.js reference.
  3. To understand the bigger picture about the project read/watch these resources.
  4. Some tips and references for writing better tests with Leviathan.
  5. Check out the source for tests that you ran, e2e test suite.

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