  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Config.js Reference

Create the config.js file in the workspace directory using the config.example.js file. Environment variables referenced in the documentation are merely suggestions. You can technically use hardcoded values, but it is a common practice to get some config.json fields from the environment by setting them to something like process.env.MY_ENV_VAR.

module.exports = {
    deviceType: '<DUT device type, for example "raspberrypi3-64">',
    suite: `${__dirname}/../suites/<name-of-test-suite>`,
    config: {
        networkWired: false,
        networkWireless: true,
        downloadVersion: 'latest',
        balenaApiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,
        balenaApiUrl: 'balena-cloud.com',
        organization: 'BALENACLOUD_ORG_GOES_HERE',
    debug: {
        unstable: ["Kill the device under test"],
    image: `${__dirname}/balena.img.gz`,
    workers: ['http://<short UUID of your testbot in balenaCloud>.local'],

Information on properties in config.js:

  • deviceType is the Device Under Test (DUT) attached to the testbot. Example: Raspberrypi3 64-bit device, the deviceType property needs to be raspberrypi3-64.
  • suite is the absolute path to the test suite directory that you want to execute. As shown in the example above, ${__dirname} expands to the absolute path of the workspace directory, so you can use it to specify a path relative to workspace.
  • networkWired and networkWireless properties are configuration for the Network Manager. This sets up the Access Point (AP) created by the testbot for the DUT to use while provisioning.
  • balenaApiKey is the balenaCloud API key of the user running the test. You can generate a new balena API key for this field.
  • balenaApiUrl is the balenaCloud environment you are targetting for your test suite. Production is 'balena-cloud.com' and staging is 'balena-staging.com'.
  • organization is the balenaCloud organization where test applications are created for the cloud suite. Add the username of the user who owns the balenaApiKey - otherwise it will lead to authentication errors. You can find the username of the user from the top right section of the dashboard.
  • debug is where debugging properties are stored for test runs. Check out {@page Debugging tests in Leviathan | Debugging documentation} for features you can add.
  • image is the absolute path to the balenaOS image that is flashed onto the Device Under Test (DUT). As shown in the example above, ${__dirname} expands to the absolute path of the workspace directory, so you can use it to specify a path relative to workspace.

Make sure to rename the image to balena.img. If you provide balena.img as your balenaOS image, then Leviathan will compress it for you in gz format on runtime. We recommend compressing beforehand, as it saves time. For any reason if your tests download an image already and you don't want to upload an image, then set the image property to false in config.js. Be sure to set image to a boolean false without a quotes.

For example, in the e2e test suite, if you don't upload an image and set image: false, then the test suite will download the image from balenaCloud. This is test specific, not a leviathan feature.

  • downloadVersion: If you intend to download a balenaOS version for your tests, then you can use the property to specify the balenaOS version semver. The fetchOS helper will use this property to find and download the balenaOS image.
  • workers is the property where we specify precisely where the test suites will be executed on and what type of workers are going to be used. You can specify this in multiple ways as per your requirements:

Different workers configurations available

  1. http:// - To be used when running tests locally. When you have the autokit in the same network as your laptop/computer then the IP address of the autokit can be provided. This will reduce the dependency on balenaCloud public device URL and make the tests run faster.
workers: ['http://<IP address of your testbot as shown in balenaCloud>'],
  1. Public device URLs - If the testbot is not on the same network as you, please enable the public URL in balenaCloud and use that in the workers array. If multiple URLs are provided, then each URL in the array will run the same test suite listed in the config.js.
workers: ['Public URL of your testbot'],
  1. Workers object for testbot worker - Using a workers object, you can specify a balenaCloud application containing testbots (connected to DUTs) and a balenaCloud API key. All testbots inside that balenaCloud application can be used to run test suites. These testbots need to be online and contain a DUT tag with the value being the deviceType to be selected for testing. Leviathan looks for all devices inside that balenaCloud application with DUT tag and pushes test jobs to available testbots. This method is often used for testbot rigs in production use cases, with several testbots available as workers to run the tests. Multiple tests can be queued and made to run in parallel on compatible workers.
workers: {
   balenaApplication: 'some-org/testbot-personal',
   apiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY
  1. Specify worker for QEMU worker - Using the following configuration leviathan will run the test suite on a QEMU worker.
workers: ['http://worker'],

config.js Examples

Following is an exhaustive list of config.js examples which can be used for reference.

Running the same test suite on 2 separate workers

You can swap the workers property with any of the alternatives provided above as per your usecase

module.exports = [{
        deviceType: "raspberrypi3",
        suite: `${__dirname}/../suites/os`,
        config: {
            networkWired: false,
            networkWireless: true,
            downloadVersion: 'latest',
            balenaApiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,
            balenaApiUrl: 'balena-cloud.com',
            organization: 'BALENACLOUD_ORG_GOES_HERE',
        image: `${__dirname}/balena.img.gz`,
        workers: ['https://6ad523252f8288bdff15bda320485237.balena-devices.com/']
        deviceType: "raspberrypi3",
        suite: `${__dirname}/../suites/os`,
        config: {
            networkWired: false,
            networkWireless: true,
            downloadVersion: 'latest',
            balenaApiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,
            balenaApiUrl: 'balena-cloud.com',
            organization: 'BALENACLOUD_ORG_GOES_HERE',
        image: `${__dirname}/balena.img.gz`,
        workers: ['https://123213bda32048sgd5dfw223423723324.balena-devices.com/']

Running tests on the development rig

In order to kick off tests on multiple workers in the fleet, extend the configuration present below to run your tests on all available workers.

module.exports = [{
        deviceType: "DEVICETYPE-1",
        suite: `${__dirname}/../suites/YOUR-TEST-SUITE`,
        config: {
            networkWired: false,
            networkWireless: true,
            downloadVersion: 'latest',
            balenaApiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,
            balenaApiUrl: 'balena-cloud.com',
            organization: 'BALENACLOUD_ORG_GOES_HERE',
        image: `${__dirname}/balena-DEVICETYPE-1.img.gz`,
        workers: {
            balenaApplication: 'testbot-personal',
            apiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,
        deviceType: "DEVICETYPE-2",
        suite: `${__dirname}/../suites/YOUR-TEST-SUITE`,
        config: {
            networkWired: false,
            networkWireless: true,
            downloadVersion: 'latest',
            balenaApiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,
            balenaApiUrl: 'balena-cloud.com',
            organization: 'BALENACLOUD_ORG_GOES_HERE',
        image: `${__dirname}/balena-DEVICETYPE-2.img.gz`,
        workers: {
            balenaApplication: 'testbot-personal',
            apiKey: process.env.BALENACLOUD_API_KEY,

Add more objects to the array for as many workers that you need to target in the development rig to run your tests. Do make sure to specify the balenaOS images or assets correctly needed for each test suite you run for each worker.

config.js files are validated using this schema. Some properties are optional with the ability to add new properties as required. After adding data to config.js, the properties will be available throughout the execution of the test suite.

Environment Variables Reference

To provide values of environment variables for config.js, makefile or for docker-compose, you can create a .env file in the root of the leviathan directory. Below is an exhaustive list of environment variables that can be set .env

Environment Variable Description Example Value
WORKSPACE Path to the workspace directory ./workspace
REPORTS Path to the reports directory within workspace ./workspace/reports
SUITES Path to the test suites ./path/to/suites
DEVICE_TYPE The Device under test - slug of the device to be tested. raspberrypi3
WORKER_TYPE Type of the worker autokit
BALENACLOUD_API_KEY API key for BalenaCloud SAMPLEKEYuhfuwehfewiuf...
BALENACLOUD_API_URL API URL for BalenaCloud to reach the API https://api.balena-cloud.com
BALENACLOUD_ORG Username for the user owning the API key g_username_of_the_user
BALENA_ARCH Architecture of the device you are using as the autokit/testbot amd64
BALENACLOUD_APP_NAME Name of the fleet in BalenaCloud hosting all autokits connected to their respective DUTs for testing MyApp
BALENACLOUD_SSH_PORT SSH port for BalenaMachine 22222
BALENACLOUD_SSH_URL SSH URL for BalenaMachine ssh.balena-cloud.com
BALENAMACHINE_API_URL API URL for BalenaMachine https://api.balena-machine.com
ENVIRONMENT Specifies the environment (only value: balena-machine) balena-machine

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